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Burj Khalifa (Dubai) Snow Globe Snow Globes


The Burj Khalifa in "Dubai" iconDubai serves as the inspiration for the Dubai Snow Globe in Starfield.

Snow Globe Acquisition

To obtain this snow globe, players must first acquire a copy of the book titled "Race to the Heavens" iconRace to the Heavens. This book is not easily accessible and can only be found inside the Siren of the Stars, a massive luxury ship. Gaining entry to the ship is a challenge and can only be accomplished by completing a "Crimson Fleet" iconCrimson Fleet faction quest.

Upon successfully entering the ship, locate Room 5 in the living quarters and pick the lock. Inside, you will find a copy of the book Race to the Heavens on the desk. Once you have obtained the book, you can proceed to the "Dubai" iconDubai landing spot on "Earth" iconEarth.

Finding the Book/Snow Globe

The Burj Khalifa snow globe can be found at the "Dubai" iconDubai landing spot on "Earth" iconEarth. It is situated on a rock on the far side of the iconic tower.

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