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Valentine Detective Agency Unmarked Locations


The "Valentine Detective Agency" iconValentine Detective Agency is a small, unmarked location in the infield of "Diamond City" iconDiamond City in 2287, situated on Third Street. It serves as a private investigation office for "Nick Valentine" iconNick Valentine, accompanied by his secretary Ellie Perkins. The agency is a two-story building, containing offices, bedrooms, and multiple exits.

Background / History

Established before the events of Fallout 4, the agency is operated by "Nick Valentine" iconNick Valentine, a synth detective known for his unique background and commitment to solving cases. Ellie Perkins, his loyal secretary, assists him in managing the agency.


  • Ground Floor: Main office with a separate small bedroom. Key items such as case files are found here.
  • Upper Floor: Secondary bedroom with a separate exit, providing additional space for case files and personal effects.

Notable Loot

RobCo Fun "Holotape" iconHolotape ("Zeta Invaders" iconZeta Invaders Mini-Game): Found on a desk at the back of the office.
Case Files:
Mysterious Stranger Case File: Under the first-floor bed.
Earl Sterling Case File: On the back desk during the “Detective Case Files” quest.
Marty Bullfinch Case File: On a file cabinet during “The Gilded Grasshopper.”
Kenji Nakano Case Notes: Provided by Ellie Perkins in the “Far From Home” quest (Far Harbor DLC).


The agency contains a detailed case file under the ground-floor bed, highlighting Valentine’s long-standing investigation into the Mysterious Stranger. This information indicates that Valentine has been tracking the Mysterious Stranger’s activities for a significant period.

Interactive Map Locations

1. World Map

X: 4100 Y: 4256
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