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Sanctioned Psyker Origins


Psykers are Feared and distrusted but are nonetheless valuable assets to the Imperium. The role of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica is to recruit, identify, and classify those found to possess psychic abilities. The most powerful who somehow survive the rigorous sanctioning rituals are selected to serve on the battlefield. The mind of a sanctioned psyker is steeled against the manifold dangers risked by wielders of warp powers. You were one of those found worthy to serve Humanity and have miraculously survived the perils of the warp.

"Sanctioned Psyker" iconSanctioned Psykers can choose one of 5 specialties from the Character creation screen :

Each with their unique talents and abilities as explained in the respective Origin.

Note: damaging psyker powers count as weapon attacks, counting toward the normal attack limit per round and gaining all the benefits of abilities and talents increasing the damage of attacks. For example, a "Soldier" iconSoldier using the "Run and Gun" iconRun and Gun ability will be able to use damaging psyker powers twice per turn, and an "Operative" iconOperative’s "Analyse Enemies" iconAnalyse Enemies ability affects the damage of damaging psyker powers.

Origin Talents

"Blade of Light" iconBlade of Light Sanctioned Psyker
"Enforce Reality" iconEnforce Reality Sanctioned Psyker
"Obscured Threat" iconObscured Threat Sanctioned Psyker
Psy Rating 1 Sanctioned Psyker
Psy Rating 2 Sanctioned Psyker
Psy Rating 3 Sanctioned Psyker
Psy Rating 4 Sanctioned Psyker
"Psychic Barrage" iconPsychic Barrage Sanctioned Psyker
"Sacred Rituals" iconSacred Rituals Sanctioned Psyker
"Second Sight" iconSecond Sight Sanctioned Psyker
"Stabilising Factor" iconStabilising Factor Sanctioned Psyker
"Still Mind" iconStill Mind Sanctioned Psyker
"Subtle Manipulation" iconSubtle Manipulation Sanctioned Psyker

Origin Abilities

"Inscribed Soul" iconInscribed Soul Abilities

Screenshots / Gallery

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