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YunoboCo HQ South Cave Surface Cave


Inside this cave, you’ll find the "Ember Headdress" iconEmber Headdress in a chest across a lava lake. To get to the chest, you’ll want to first explode the rocks to the right then drop down to create a car using the zonai devices below (make sure the wheels are facing the same way!).

Then carry the car to the lava and drive across the lake to reach the chest. Once obtained take the car, turn it around and head to the right to find a tunnel into a smaller cave where you’ll find the bubbul frog.

In addition to the "Ember Headdress" iconEmber Headdress, you’ll find some "Horriblin" iconHorriblin, "Brightbloom Seed" iconBrightbloom Seeds and "Luminous Stone" iconLuminous Stone Ores in "YunoboCo HQ South Cave" iconYunoboCo HQ South Cave.


Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. Hyrule Surface Map

X: 12335 Y: 6533

South-east from YunoboCo HQ.

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