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Mystathi's Shelf Cave Surface Cave

In-game Description

The "Mystathi's Shelf Cave" iconMystathi’s Shelf Cave can be entered by jumping off the cliff side and using your "Paraglider" iconParaglider to fly inside the circular entrance, which is marked by some yellow lightning symbols around it. Alternatively you can find some wind funnels directly beneath the entrance, which you can jump onto and then use the "Paraglider" iconParaglider to fly up.

Inside the cave you’ll find "Brightbloom Seed" iconBrightbloom Seeds and a "Bubbulfrog" iconBubbulfrog in the chamber to your left. You need to strike the symbol at the center with lightning to open the gate behind and access the treasure chest, which contains "Large Zonaite" iconLarge Zonaite. The Vow of "Riju" iconRiju, Sage of Lightning can be cast here before you shoot the symbol, so you don’t have to use any resources other than arrows.


Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. Hyrule Surface Map

X: 4846 Y: 11151

The entrance to the "Mystathi's Shelf Cave" iconMystathi’s Shelf Cave, which you can either climb or paraglide into.

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