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Fort Hateno Cave Surface Cave


"Fort Hateno Cave" iconFort Hateno Cave is located north and slightly west from "Fort Hateno" iconFort Hateno.

Inside, you’ll encounter a pack of "Horriblin" iconHorriblins and a "Rock Like" iconRock Like. These nasty things like to relentless chuck boulders at you.

We suggest teaching them a lesson with some "Bomb Flower" iconBomb Flowers fused to your arrows. Target the "Horriblin" iconHorriblins first since the "Rock Like" iconRock Like requires a bit more precision.

Once the coast’s clear, you can rummage around for ore, "Brightbloom Seed" iconBrightbloom Seeds, etc. while searching for the "Bubbulfrog" iconBubbulfrog, which is hidden behind some breakable rocks.


Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. Hyrule Surface Map

X: 13017 Y: 12431

North-east from Dueling Peaks Stable.

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