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Sunken Bone Natural Resources


A splinter of bone harvested from the remains of a creature that died in the pond. Weathered and strengthened by currents and chemicals, it’s an exceptional material for strong gear.

How to Find this Item

This is commly fgound in teh depth areas of teh game. Players will need diving suits anbd visit tuhe unbderwater cave system below the Koi pond area, along with other deep underwater realted areas. Upon finding one, players will need a T2 hammer or higher to whack away "Sunken Bone" iconSunken Bone fragments before being able to loot it.

Used In

"Koi Scale Chestplate" iconKoi Scale Chestplate Upper Body
"Koi Scale Greaves" iconKoi Scale Greaves Lower Body
"Bubble Helmet" iconBubble Helmet Head
"Bone Dagger" iconBone Dagger Underwater
"Bone Trident" iconBone Trident Underwater
"Rusty Spear" iconRusty Spear Melee


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