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Breakheart Banks Farms


"Breakheart Banks" iconBreakheart Banks, situated along the Saugus River, was once a modest family farm until it fell under the control of super mutants.


Approachable from the west and south, "Breakheart Banks" iconBreakheart Banks is guarded by a lone super mutant and mutant hounds. Tin can alarms hang overhead, and nearby, a poignant scene unfolds with skeletal remains locked in an eternal embrace. Inside the shack, amenities include a mattress, a weapons workbench, a steamer trunk, and a fridge stocked with provisions. A cooking station stands adjacent to the cornfield, while a stranded fishing boat to the northwest emits a nautical radio signal.

Notable Loot

  • Super mutant waistcloth: Found in the scouting tower.
  • Nuka-Cola Quantum: Resting on a television stand in the scouting tower.
  • Super mutant chest harness: Located in the main building near the weapons workbench.
  • Over 22 ears of corn: Harvestable from the field and found in the fridge.

Related Quests


  • A crashed military convoy east of "Breakheart Banks" iconBreakheart Banks yields valuable loot but is guarded by leveled military robots.
  • Despite its appearance as a settlement, Breakheart Banks lacks a workshop and cannot be developed as one.


  • Players may encounter issues completing the Brotherhood of Steel quest “"Cleansing the Commonwealth" iconCleansing the Commonwealth: "Breakheart Banks" iconBreakheart Banks,” which can sometimes become stuck. A workaround involves using console commands to progress the quest.


The location’s name, "Breakheart Banks" iconBreakheart Banks, pays homage to the real-life Breakheart Reservation in Saugus and Wakefield.

Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. World Map

X: 5521 Y: 949

Super Mutant Camp

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