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Special Projects Science

In-game Description

Big guns are great, but in the Settled Systems, sometimes the best weapon is simply an old adage: “Knowledge is Power.”

Category iconRank 1

You can research experimental projects at a "Research Lab" iconResearch Lab.

Category iconRank 2

You can craft rare manufactured components at an "Industrial Workbench" iconIndustrial Workbench.

Category iconRank 3

You can craft exotic manufactured components at an "Industrial Workbench" iconIndustrial Workbench.

Category iconRank 4

You can craft unique manufactured components at an "Industrial Workbench" iconIndustrial Workbench. Outpost extractors have a chance to produce additional resources.

Skill Rank

Icon for <span>Special Projects - Rank 1</span> Special Projects - Rank 1, Special Projects - Rank 2, Special Projects - Rank 3, Special Projects - Rank 4

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