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Unyielding Beacon Passive Abilities

In-game Description (Abilities)

Each attack against the "Vanguard" iconVanguard grants them +1 stack of Inyielding beacon. Each stack increases their resolve by +1, up to a maximum of +15. All allies in a 2-cell radius around the Vanguard gain 1/5 of that bonus. Temporary wounds applied to the Vanguard now stack, but only remain stacked until the start of the Vanguard’s turn. At the start of their turn, the remaining temporary wounds are reduced to the largest amount granted by one applied effect. If the remaining number of temporary wounds is less than the number of stacks of unyielding beacon, it becomes equal to the number of those stacks even if the Vanguard has no temporary wounds at the start of their turn.

Screenshot (Ability)

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