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Presenting: Sensor + Side Adventures


Must do the following prior to starting this side adventure:

Once you’ve finished those, speak with "Robbie" iconRobbie at the "Hateno Ancient Tech Lab" iconHateno Ancient Tech Lab, just outside "Hateno Village" iconHateno Village. You will be presented with three ways to upgrade your "Purah Pad" iconPurah Pad, one of which is the Sensor +. To complete this task, you will need to take photographs of five different enemies. The actual enemy doesn’t matter, as long as they are all different from one another. You’ll know you’ve take a picture of one, as their name will be blue whenever you have your "Camera" iconCamera on them. Otherwise, their name will be orange. Once you’ve done this, return to Robbie to finish the side adventure.


Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. Hyrule Surface Map

X: 15049 Y: 13013
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