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Automatron Companions


"Automatron" iconAutomatrons are customizable robots featured in the Fallout 4 add-on Automatron, serving as potential companions for the Sole Survivor in their adventures across the Commonwealth.

Automatrons are crafted and upgraded at a robot workbench, starting with unarmored Protectron parts. They can be customized extensively with various components scavenged from other robots and upgraded with quality armor attachments.

Background / History

In the year 2287, the wasteland became home to automatrons crafted by both the Rust Devils raider gang and the Mechanist. While the former created makeshift versions using their knowledge of robotics and violence, the latter utilized pre-War robotic parts to assemble haphazard models.


Any settlement

Combat & Utility Summary

"Automatron" iconAutomatrons are only as powerful as the parts that they are provided. The Automatron DLC offers players the opportunity to potentially create incredibly powerful robots with devastating combat capabilities. One particularly overpowered combination involves giving the robot a Protectron head equipped with an unstable helmet, which has a chance to cause enemies to explode similar to the Bloody Mess perk. Coupled with flamethrower or cryo jet hands, this setup results in an extremely high rate of fire.


Build a robot workbench and construct one

Personal Quest

  • N/A


  • N/A


Junk items
May upgrade to Hack or Lockpick





The "Automatron" iconAutomatron offers a variety of customization options, allowing players to personalize its appearance and capabilities. These options include selecting its weaponry, armor, and various enhancements to suit different playstyles.


While the Automatron can be a viable companion with its customization options, it may not offer the same level of immersion or effectiveness as other companions. Additionally, acquiring the necessary components to build one can be challenging, either requiring luck in finding all the required mods on robot corpses or investing in crafting perks to unlock them through leveling up.

Powerful Robot Modifications

  • Assaultron Head Laser: Adds a powerful laser attack to the robot’s arsenal, making it a formidable foe.
  • Cryojet: Equips the robot with a hand modification that shoots cryogenic blasts, freezing enemies and dealing significant damage.
  • Gamma Gun: Adds a radiation-inflicting weapon to the robot’s arm, particularly effective against human enemies like raiders.
  • Heavy Flamer Gun: Explosively powerful flames, dealing immense damage despite its limited range.
  • Minigun: Attaches a powerful minigun to the robot, increasing its firepower significantly.
  • Mr. Handy Torso: Provides high movement speed and requires minimal perk investment, making it a popular choice among players.
  • Saw Blade: Equips the robot with a powerful saw that inflicts bleed damage, ideal for melee-focused players.
  • Sentry Legs: Enhances the robot’s speed, making it a swift and deadly combatant, although it may struggle in tight spaces.
  • Sniper Laser Gun: Adds a long-range, high-damage laser weapon to the robot, perfect for sniper characters.
  • Stun Mod: Deals electric damage and occasionally stuns enemies, perfect for players who enjoy electricity-based attacks.


  • "Automatron" iconAutomatrons may turn hostile upon encountering robots in certain locations.
  • Automatrons with robobrain heads may mistakenly target the Sole Survivor.
  • After using Kellogg’s terminal, named automatrons’ names may revert to Automatron.
  • In workshop edit mode, selecting an automatron may prevent dismissal, requiring players to edit an item before dismissing.
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