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Small Blue Crystal Shard Valuables


A small fragment imbued with a curious blue light. One of precious few to wash up on the Olta’Battahl coastline.

Additional Information

This item must be brought to Ambrosius to progress the "Flickering Shadows" iconFlickering Shadows questline.

How to find / Location

It can be found in the Olta’Battahl coastline during the "Flickering Shadows" iconFlickering Shadows questline.


Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. World Map

X: 6651 Y: 7554

Washed up on the rocks near the path.

Marker screenshot

2. World Map

X: 6687 Y: 7675

Hidden among the seaweed near the path.

Marker screenshot

3. World Map

X: 6710 Y: 7700

Near some debris along the coast by the path.

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