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The Gracious Hand's Vaults Vermund Dungeons


Filled with "Rat" iconRats and Tomes, this dungeon rewards you with a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token and "Lantern Oil" iconLantern Oil upon completion. The entrance will only become accessible after making progress in "The Heel of History" iconThe Heel of History side quest.


Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. World Map

X: 9499 Y: 5975

Beneath the ruins of a crumbling tower. The entrance is inaccessible until progress has been made in "The Heel of History" iconThe Heel of History side quest.

2. Vernworth Map

X: 10373 Y: 8177
Marker screenshot

3. Dungeon & Town Maps

X: 2718 Y: 2004
Marker screenshot

4. Unmoored World (Post Game) Map

X: 4776 Y: 2857

Beneath the ruins of a crumbling tower next to "The Gracious Hand" iconThe Gracious Hand.

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