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Dried Fruit Curatives


A piece of fruit, dried to condense its flavor. Consume it to recover a fair amount of Health.


Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. World Map

X: 9704 Y: 5560

In a crate inside the wooden shack.

Marker screenshot

2. World Map

X: 9489 Y: 3162

Inside a chest in a tent near the "Borderland Campground" iconBorderland Campground.

Marker screenshot

3. Dungeon & Town Maps

X: 3511 Y: 5498

Inside the wooden chest.

Marker screenshot

4. Dungeon & Town Maps

X: 5469 Y: 4300

Inside the chest near a ladder, guarded by a "Slime" iconSlime.

Marker screenshot

5. Dungeon & Town Maps

X: 9185 Y: 2184

Inside a chest at the end of the path, guarded by "Chopper" iconChoppers.

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